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Gary Green Rest Bay 8

Gary Green Rest Bay 1

Gary Green Rest Bay 6

Gary Green Rest Bay 10

Gary Green Rest Bay 11

Gary Green Rest Bay 2

Gary Green Rest Bay 4

Dog walking

Gary Green Rest Bay 5

Gary Green Rest Bay 3


Gary Green Rest Bay 9a

Gary Green Rest Bay 7

Gary Green Rest Bay 12

Gary Green Rest Bay 13

This was a small project Rest Bay, Porthcawl, a local beach used by surfers. The series was taken in the Autumn when the beach attracts the more diehard surfer and the visitors with a bit more determination to be on the beach. What attracted me to this time of the year was the feel of Summer having only just started to fade away into the memory and becoming vague and blurred at the edges.
What I didn't want was the standard surfer shot but instead to push the feel and graphic possibilities of those in the sea and on the coastline.
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